Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Chicago/Frankfurt sustainability of eliminating carbon based energy consumption.

Here is my research slides on Chicago/Frankfurt sustainability of eliminating carbon based energy consumption.

Here is some links to my research
Here is an article about how the University of Illinois at Chicago

green frankfurt

Monday, November 2, 2015

Automatic Attitudinal Response Post

From looking back so far in this class many of the subjects we’ve covered have opened my mind and eyes to things I would usually pass off in not caring about and ignore them. However there is a post that I found that I’ve written to be an automatic attitudinal response on my own behalf which was an OTM response during the first week of October and its coverings of the story when the pope visited the US. I’m not sure how I made the original response that is was so AAR, maybe I chose a boring story to cover where I didn’t really think about it too much or maybe there is some other reason why this post was so automated I don’t really know but it still happened. I made a pretty bland post to begin with about what happened and what could be said about it, but the biggest part of this post’s AAR was that I failed to look deeper in the areas of psychological and cultural aspects in the minds of us Americans and what can be said about us in-particular instead of what can be said about the media and political candidates. What kind of light is shed upon Americans when we look towards such a figure of peace and prosperity and attack him while he is trying to help everyone he comes in contact with? Of course there is some subjects that the pope and church have very conservative views (meaning the most historical form and sense of the word conservative and not the political party) on topics like gay marriage ect.. but the fact of the matter at hand is that this guy was just trying help people for the greater good and we made a sideshow out of him. This could be seen as the mass of Americans have an ethnocentrism problem since everyone thinks the US is all mighty in its ways of world police and fixing problems that we see outside help to our own problems in being threats to us. This can be seen pretty easily since in a sense we think “we Americans are the best at everything because we are the best and this is ‘MERICA’!” This head up our own butt thought process is a logical fallacy in its own and begs the question how can we fix this problem if we can’t even see it because our heads are so far up there. How can I and more Americans change our thought process so that everything we come across isn’t always an automatic attitudinal response? Does this problem stem from coddling the youth, group think theory, or some other psychological process we have yet found? It would be interesting what others think on how to solve this problem.

Thanks for reading.