Sunday, December 13, 2015

Who is Johnny Lindquist according to the internet?

I've been on the internet for most of my adult life, and it has followed me for quite a while now. So in order to find out how it views me today let me start from the beginning; when I first wandered on to social media and internet interactions. Social media had been around and was a presence around my middle school days; however, I did not log on due to my mother banning me from "those sites" until I rebelled against her my sophomore year of high-school and joined facebook since myspace had all but died by then. As I grew so did my likes on facebook the predominate platform of social media I used and still do today. I don't know why, maybe its the one horse town I grew up in, but I never ventured out to other venues of social media besides Youtube, which I started watching at around the same time I logged on to facebook.
My first ever post.
After a few years online (all my highschool years) it had found out all my interests, music I liked, career plans, my close friends, what I look like, places I've been, where I live, where I went to school, who I went to school with, and the list goes on and on. With all of this information its clear it all describes a person, but does that person really have a face? Can the internet truly know me? There are countless fake and counterfeit profiles made every day, so what more is needed for the internet to frame me to my fullest extent? The answer lies within my online purchase history. The internet knows that I occasionally rent text books online along with buying motorcycle parts from numerous websites. This is where the internet knows me at times better than I know myself and this is my most profitable information for it to use and sell. According to the internet I, Johnny Lindquist, am a 22 year old male college student who has a passion for cars/trucks/motorcycles, and metal music along with a girlfriend of one year. How do I know the internet thinks this is who I am? Its because of the sharp advertisements directed at me. From band tee shirts, riding gear, engagement rings, textbooks, and even an ad for a technology school that had me thinking second thoughts about my major and school. However the internet will never know me on a personal level, that is until it creates a AI conscientiousness and has a one to one conversation with me but that might not be for awhile.

For some added bonus brownie points here are some "recommended" videos for me from my Youtube feed.

I've thoroughly enjoyed taking this class, as it has truly been one of higher education that I have sought after while attending here at DSU.  
Thank you for your time and teachings.
And again thanks for reading.

Johnny Lindquist

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Facebook Ad

For some reason beyond me and my computer the only way facebook would let me create an advertisement was through this window, but hopefully this will or in a hypothetical sense would have worked in real life.

Monday, December 7, 2015

FB Campaign

My Facebook campaign's objective was to create a community around motorcycles in St George and Southern Utah. To accomplish this goal I set out to by posting news, seasonal photos, informative links and shared content from main stream sources along with inviting my friends. When writing my posts I tried to get responses in the form of likes or comments (like a poll) from my subscribers. I also had a photo-sharing contest in the works, but due to my circumstances this semester it never came into fruition. There was a few other things I wanted to do to try and get the ball moving but didn't get around to doing like: putting up flyers near motorcycle parking on campus, creating bike meets, going for a community rides, ect. I didn't really cross promote, other than having a couple of my friends share the page,
since I don't have a tweeter account or any other forms of social media other than YouTube with my 4 subscribers.
This has been an insightful assignment, I learned how difficult it is to run a public relation sort of endeavor or any kind of social media outlet. One thing is for certain I can take away from my page is that the majority of people that will see ones post will be in the afternoon and evening, not in the morning and not late at night, since that is where I reached the most people.

My facebook insights only go as far back as when I achieved 30 likes which was October 26th.

Here is my reach outlook.

Page views.

Having a theme I've noticed has helped reach and engage more viewers. Some of the themes I chose to use were things like "Two Wheel Tuesday, TGIF and sometimes #wideopenwednesday "


Overall as a Self Evaluation I think the page could have been better since I don't think its blossom'd into its full potential. There was definitely more I could have done and wanted to do throughout the semester, but due to getting a a part time job and living in my own apartment for the first time, instead of a dorm, and all while going to school full time made it hard to come up with better content and getting people involved to like the page. I can see my some people are able to make a profession out of running social media accounts because to be good at it, it definitely requires a lot of work. The page even peaked at 31 likes at one point but however it since has fallen back to 30.     

On a side note I can't find some of the insights that other people have found in class (who likes my page?) along with finding the right create an ad page since it just creates a pop up for me to fill out and pay for instead of the needle one we discussed in class. Is it the computer I am using or something else? because I Still want to do the ad assignment if I can. 
Many thanks for reading
Johnny Lindquist.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Chicago/Frankfurt sustainability of eliminating carbon based energy consumption.

Here is my research slides on Chicago/Frankfurt sustainability of eliminating carbon based energy consumption.

Here is some links to my research
Here is an article about how the University of Illinois at Chicago

green frankfurt

Monday, November 2, 2015

Automatic Attitudinal Response Post

From looking back so far in this class many of the subjects we’ve covered have opened my mind and eyes to things I would usually pass off in not caring about and ignore them. However there is a post that I found that I’ve written to be an automatic attitudinal response on my own behalf which was an OTM response during the first week of October and its coverings of the story when the pope visited the US. I’m not sure how I made the original response that is was so AAR, maybe I chose a boring story to cover where I didn’t really think about it too much or maybe there is some other reason why this post was so automated I don’t really know but it still happened. I made a pretty bland post to begin with about what happened and what could be said about it, but the biggest part of this post’s AAR was that I failed to look deeper in the areas of psychological and cultural aspects in the minds of us Americans and what can be said about us in-particular instead of what can be said about the media and political candidates. What kind of light is shed upon Americans when we look towards such a figure of peace and prosperity and attack him while he is trying to help everyone he comes in contact with? Of course there is some subjects that the pope and church have very conservative views (meaning the most historical form and sense of the word conservative and not the political party) on topics like gay marriage ect.. but the fact of the matter at hand is that this guy was just trying help people for the greater good and we made a sideshow out of him. This could be seen as the mass of Americans have an ethnocentrism problem since everyone thinks the US is all mighty in its ways of world police and fixing problems that we see outside help to our own problems in being threats to us. This can be seen pretty easily since in a sense we think “we Americans are the best at everything because we are the best and this is ‘MERICA’!” This head up our own butt thought process is a logical fallacy in its own and begs the question how can we fix this problem if we can’t even see it because our heads are so far up there. How can I and more Americans change our thought process so that everything we come across isn’t always an automatic attitudinal response? Does this problem stem from coddling the youth, group think theory, or some other psychological process we have yet found? It would be interesting what others think on how to solve this problem.

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

OTM: Safe Harbor No More.

Lately a small battle has been won in the war of internet privacy; The high court in Europe ruled on the side of Max Schrems, a law student from Austria who received evidence from facebook that his rights were being infringed upon. This ruling will hopefully help Americans wake up to the use and abuses of their private data; it has certainly woken up some of the companies at fault in the USA as to having just as manly customers in Europe as in the states and how they have to change their policies in order to not be banned from European servers and clients. This is foreshadowing of events and court cases to come Max and the host of OTM think as this ruling will be just the tip of the iceberg that follows making a better future for the internet and the people who use it.
Physical: The court ruling will start stricter laws that affect internet traffic that comes and goes out of europe. Some of these new rules will enable their citizens to be forgotten by companies; for example, after a period of time a company has to delete any data on that person which gives a whole lot more privacy to that individual than what they had before.
Temporal: This court ruling sided just last week so it is very relevant to us right now; however, it has taken some time to come fourth. From the story, big internet companies like facebook have been ignoring privacy laws set up by the Europeans for quite sometime time now as Max found out about it in 2010 five years ago. It is interesting what other counties will come next to defend their people.
Psychological:  Like Max more people are becoming concerned about the use and storage of their private web data. They are demanding more privacy and stricter laws on how companies use this data and how long they can keep it. Max and others like the hosts of OTM hope that this court case and its ruling will stir-up people in the US to stand up against companies for their personal data rights.
Social: This could start snowballing all the way around the globe and be big enough for when it hits the US it will no longer be able to not care about this issue, particularly because the US is the leader in internet businesses. With more and more people around the world becoming educated on the internet and how internet companies behaved I think we’ll see a huge movement for change; like the guest host said during the broadcast, the internet is more like the wild west now than it ever was before. Like the wild west, the internet will settle down from the coming of regulations that will protect people from present day data barons, data ransom outlaws, data rustlers, and virtual vigilante gangs.  
Thanks for reading

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Climate Change 1.0

Climate Change 1.0
It has become the agenda, the main topic of discussion, the most prevalent in both the media and political domains now that the subject of gay marriage has been dealt with by the supreme court. It’s become so big, so mainstream, that it can no longer be ignored. Around 98 percent of scientist around the world are arguing for action even though it might be too late. Like today in class where we talked about how the oceans would rise and we thought so; we don’t live there so why should we care? Well my friend climate change affects us all in one way or another. To see some of its effects that are happening right now watch this video by Discovery News. Link:
Here is a video explaining the threat of climate change toward the nation of Maldives and other island nations.
Its safe to say that there is so much massive evidence and scientific reviewed papers and journals on climate change that to deny it would just make a means to display how ignorant someone can be. St George is already really hot, how much harder would it be for people to live here if it were to be even hotter?  California right now is suffering a huge drought, what would happen if a drought that size hit the midwest, you know the breadbasket of America? If you want to see the effects of a limited water supply you don't need to look farther than the conditions of developing countries. Also If that wasn’t enough convincing for you just go to your local store and check the price of bottled water to that of soda.
Of course there are always two sides to a story and if this issue was easy to solve it probably already would have been fixed. Nearly all of our energy needs are met through the use of fossil fuels or nuclear energy here in the US. These sources don’t stop working when the wind doesn't blow or the sun don’t shine unlike green energy availability; hence why finding a solution to climate change isn’t as easy as just taking the bus or walking to your destination.