Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Climate Change 1.0

Climate Change 1.0
It has become the agenda, the main topic of discussion, the most prevalent in both the media and political domains now that the subject of gay marriage has been dealt with by the supreme court. It’s become so big, so mainstream, that it can no longer be ignored. Around 98 percent of scientist around the world are arguing for action even though it might be too late. Like today in class where we talked about how the oceans would rise and we thought so; we don’t live there so why should we care? Well my friend climate change affects us all in one way or another. To see some of its effects that are happening right now watch this video by Discovery News. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzyZg985pBY
Here is a video explaining the threat of climate change toward the nation of Maldives and other island nations.
Its safe to say that there is so much massive evidence and scientific reviewed papers and journals on climate change that to deny it would just make a means to display how ignorant someone can be. St George is already really hot, how much harder would it be for people to live here if it were to be even hotter?  California right now is suffering a huge drought, what would happen if a drought that size hit the midwest, you know the breadbasket of America? If you want to see the effects of a limited water supply you don't need to look farther than the conditions of developing countries. Also If that wasn’t enough convincing for you just go to your local store and check the price of bottled water to that of soda.
Of course there are always two sides to a story and if this issue was easy to solve it probably already would have been fixed. Nearly all of our energy needs are met through the use of fossil fuels or nuclear energy here in the US. These sources don’t stop working when the wind doesn't blow or the sun don’t shine unlike green energy availability; hence why finding a solution to climate change isn’t as easy as just taking the bus or walking to your destination.  

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