Sunday, December 13, 2015

Who is Johnny Lindquist according to the internet?

I've been on the internet for most of my adult life, and it has followed me for quite a while now. So in order to find out how it views me today let me start from the beginning; when I first wandered on to social media and internet interactions. Social media had been around and was a presence around my middle school days; however, I did not log on due to my mother banning me from "those sites" until I rebelled against her my sophomore year of high-school and joined facebook since myspace had all but died by then. As I grew so did my likes on facebook the predominate platform of social media I used and still do today. I don't know why, maybe its the one horse town I grew up in, but I never ventured out to other venues of social media besides Youtube, which I started watching at around the same time I logged on to facebook.
My first ever post.
After a few years online (all my highschool years) it had found out all my interests, music I liked, career plans, my close friends, what I look like, places I've been, where I live, where I went to school, who I went to school with, and the list goes on and on. With all of this information its clear it all describes a person, but does that person really have a face? Can the internet truly know me? There are countless fake and counterfeit profiles made every day, so what more is needed for the internet to frame me to my fullest extent? The answer lies within my online purchase history. The internet knows that I occasionally rent text books online along with buying motorcycle parts from numerous websites. This is where the internet knows me at times better than I know myself and this is my most profitable information for it to use and sell. According to the internet I, Johnny Lindquist, am a 22 year old male college student who has a passion for cars/trucks/motorcycles, and metal music along with a girlfriend of one year. How do I know the internet thinks this is who I am? Its because of the sharp advertisements directed at me. From band tee shirts, riding gear, engagement rings, textbooks, and even an ad for a technology school that had me thinking second thoughts about my major and school. However the internet will never know me on a personal level, that is until it creates a AI conscientiousness and has a one to one conversation with me but that might not be for awhile.

For some added bonus brownie points here are some "recommended" videos for me from my Youtube feed.

I've thoroughly enjoyed taking this class, as it has truly been one of higher education that I have sought after while attending here at DSU.  
Thank you for your time and teachings.
And again thanks for reading.

Johnny Lindquist

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